Firstly, http://stuffwhitepeoplelike.com
This is so accurate it's scary! Sometimes I'll read a post and laugh, then I'll laugh a little nervously, then I'll wonder if somebody has been following me. The Mad Men article was pretty creepy and I was definitely thinking about getting a moleskine. All my white friends already have them!
The second website is only slightly more educational

and more specifically for myself
Just like it says on the tin, some of the greatest talks from some of the worlds smartest and most interesting people and its FREE! Totally free! Not even little adverts before hand! And you can download them FOR FREE! And you can download them as Podcasts FOR FREE!
I'm too excited to do any real research into the company just yet but all I know is that I can get the bus to Uni and by the time I've arrived I could have watched a whole talk from Phillipe Starke, and even started a second video from Stefan Sagmeister! It's a helluva resource and seemingly the content is massive so you can be entertained and educated for days on end! You get the kind of information addiction you got when you first discovered Wikipedia
In conclusion, Bloody Brilliant
Peace out