Friday, 12 June 2009

Well It Appears We're Fully Fledged Adults Now!

We have finished university. That's it. It's over. What the fuck are we supposed to do now?

If you were one of the lucky few to receive an invite to our degree show on June 19th, then you may have ended up here. Hello! Welcome! We're Say Wat?! Creatives. Tom Waters, and myself Ciaran Watkins.

Over the next week or two we'll be scanning in copies of our recent campaigns, but more likely than not, taking low quality pictures of them. If anyone ever reads this, feel free to drop us a comment, or an email to;

We like talking, and we'll always send jokes in return if needs be. I think it's time to try and get a job now. Awesome.

Ciaran x

Monday, 8 June 2009

Excuses! Excuses!

Sorry for the lack of communication on the blog lately.

Excuse number one - We have been working our beards off trying to finish work for our deadlines aswell as update our portfolio and prepare for our degree show

Excuse number two - we have been given some briefs by some very generous agencies but due to confidentiality/competitive market/angry clients etc etc we are not allowed to show or talk about any work online. Which is understandable but slightly annoying because I can count the followers of this blog on one hand.

Excuses over, Ciaran and I will try harder


2 Ads, Same Product, Laughs had by all!

This is one of my favourite ads right because it makes me laugh my arse off. I'm trying to be as mature as possible though because genuinely I think it's a great ad. I've always been immature and squeamish about "feminine hygiene" ads but I have no doubt that as a creative they are ridiculously hard to make. You have to remain subtle, you have deliver a strong message despite that subtlety and finally you still have to sell the damn product.

This ad does it fantastically well, the message is pretty obvious and all subleties and dignity is maintained.

Plus it still makes me giggle because I am immature, I need to find which agency made this. Oddly enough there is another ad for this exact product which I'm going to assume is American but it could be Australian or something of that nature. I'm basing it on the actors.

I have no idea if this will/can run in the UK, it has all the subtlety of a sledgehammer! It is the exact same product and they've taken the same approach, and probably the same brief but damn! What a difference. 50% giggles because I'm still an idiot but the other 50% cringes for obvious reasons.