Monday, 23 March 2009

TBWA - We Still Love You

So today, as promised by the lovely Paul Burns and Adam Richardson from TBWA Manchester, we had the chance to talk through the work that Say Wat?! pitched on Wednesday for the D&AD workshop. We were also set a couple of briefs, including one that's very VERY hush hush, and only we from MMU have access to it! I'd tell you what it is, but I rather like TBWA and don't really want to antagonise them.

As already stated, the best work on Wednesday would have gained a placement at TBDubz over the summer break, and Tom and me were raring to go. Unfortunately the brief wasn't exactly awe inspiring, what with it being about Carex hand wash, and including some strict industry style guidelines.

We presented two campaigns, and a host of online and ambient work and today we found out that our work was literally pipped at one of the last hurdles to the placement. The online media was favoured; (Our squirt characters became little lemmings, similar to the mega drive game, trying to find their way to a pair of wet hands), and the ambient squishy squirts seen all over the land were held in high regards from one of the original art directors on the brief, but it was our TV work that let us down. I sort of feel a little responsible because the things Paul mentioned in our critique, were the areas I was working on. However, we got some fantastic advice, of which I'm hoping Tom will add to;
  • Keep it short
  • Keep it concise
  • Present the strategy - present the idea - close with the repeated strategy
  • PRACTISE PRESENTING - Come prepared with notes, and don't do a Paul Daniels, Debbie Mcghee double act.
We'll be contacting TBDubz for a book crit over the Easter break, and hopefully we'll gain that elusive placement we're searching for, but until then it's back to the grind. Afterall;

Ciaran x

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