Monday 23 March 2009

D&AD back on track!

Finally after a 2 week lay off, D&AD returns and we're off to TBWA Manchester in Didsbury!
Finally we get to check out the inside of that amazing looking church and finally meet the first real ad agency of the workshop. Absolutely no disrespect to Dinosaur or Love, I just think they would consider themselves Mixed Media Agencies rather than pure advertising!

So lets have a butchers at the brief...... Sell Carex handwash!
The brief in a nutshell sounds pretty interesting: Make people remember to wash their hands, highlight those with bad habits, promote the entire range of Carex products. Have fun with it, poke fun at the human condition! Great lets get cracking........

Lets first look at the mandatories......Thou Shalt use to the squirt characters, Thou shalt sign off mentioning the Carexperts!

Shit! This suddenly makes it a totally different project. At least, as our tutor picked up on immediately, this is the most true to industry brief we have recieved.

Peace out



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